What help file is this? You call this help?
Since I'm very busy man working hard for my living, I don't have enough time to write it. I'm sure there are regular ConTEXT users with lots of free time. I wouldn't refuse if someone writes help and send it to me :)

Why language translations aren't updated regularly?
I hadn't enough time to wait for translators to send translations, so check Download section, maybe it's updated.

When I view the source of a file in IE, it opens up Context as the "notepad" but it highlights this as a text file, not as HTML).
Start IE and set ConTEXT as default HTML editor (Tools / Internet options / Programs / HTML editor). After this, in file menu of IE you'll see command "Edit with ConTEXT". use this to view HTML files inside IE.

I experience a problem when I try to open files with a space in the path. Instead of opening the file two empty documents are created, one named after the first part of the folder name and the other with the name Edit1.
There is problem with previously associated files with notepad. You can either re-register file extension using ConTEXT (Environment options / Associations) or manually edit file associations: start Windows File Explorer, "Tools / Folder options / File types", find this file type with which you've got problems, Edit it and in"Open" command double quote %1 parameter ("%1").

How can I vertically select text in blocks?
Toggle selection mode with Ctrl+L or hold down the Alt key while making your selection with the mouse.

How can I add my own keywords to existing built-in syntax highlighter?
You can't. You can eventually build your own custom syntax highlighter. For more details about it, check sample highligher in Highlighters\ subdirectory of your ConTEXT directory.

What about combined syntax highlighters (PHP, JS and ASP in HTML)?
For now, it isn't possible to highlight combinations at the same time. Workaround for this could be manually switching highlighters, regardless of piece of code you're editing at the moment.

Where are my hard-tabs?
ConTEXT doesn't have internally native support for real hard tabs, so tabs will be converted to spaces when opening file and spaces will be converted back to tabs when saving file. Behavior of this situation is controller by "Tabs save mode" option. If it's automatic, ConTEXT detects appearance of the tabs when opening files and when saving it, it uses tabs again wherever possible. You may also force tabs and spaces using this option.

What about a word-wrap? There is only vertical line and nothing wraps!
At this moment, real word-wrapping isn't supported. After all, ConTEXT meant to be programmers editor, not word processor, and programmers do not use word-wrapping :) If you remember best editor for DOS ever - QEdit, word-wrap work the same way it worked there: only when you type text.

When I uninstall ConTEXT, is there any garbage left in my registry?
Two things are left: extension associations to ConTEXT (if you defined it) and HKCU\Software\Eden\ConTEXT registry key. First one you can unassociate using Environment options / Associations before uninstalling ConTEXT and the last one by deleting this key using regedit. Ermm... why would you uninstall ConTEXT anyway?!

Can ConTEXT edit binary files? What about hex editor?
At this moment, ConTEXT can edit any file not containing 0x00 char. There could be integrated hex editor in some near future.

How to use Borland C++ 5.5 free compiler with Context?
1. Open a .cpp file to test
2. Select "Options / Enviroment options / Execute Keys".
3. Select the cpp group, if there isn't any, click "Add" and enter the extension, in this case "cpp" (without quotes).
4. Now click on the cpp - F9, I'm going to assume that you installed Borland compiler in the folder "C:\Bcc\", if you installed in other folder, just replace it.
5.Options for cpp - F9:
Execute: C:\Bcc\Bin\Bcc32.exe
Start in: %p
Parameters: %f
6. Check "Editing before excecution"
7. Check "Capture console output"
8. Then click "OK"

I'm executing external DOS application using user exec keys, but I don't want it's output in ConTEXT output console window. How can I make it's window not to close at the end of the execution?
You can achieve this by using ConExec's -p option. For example, if you've got this configuration:
Execute: c:\util\tlink.exe
Parameters: %1
you'll change it to:
Execute: c:\Program Files\ConTEXT\ConExec.exe
Parameters: -p "c:\util\tlink.exe" %1

Any command line options available?
Sure, check ConTEXT help to learn more about it.

I think ConTEXT gets slower when it starts. Is it true?
It can be. To speed it up, delete "ConTEXT Positions.ini" file and delete all external highlighters you don't use. You can found them in Highlighters\ directory. All those issues will be fixed in ConTEXT v1.0.

I found a bug! Can you fix it?
First of all, be sure you're using newest version of ConTEXT. Send me as much info about it as you can. Can you repeat it? How? What exactly happened? Which highlighter did you use? Send me screenshot (convert it to GIF before sending!!).

I don't understand how Code templates works.
Check ObjectPascal template as example.

What language did you use to code ConTEXT?
Delphi v4.0.

What about porting to some other OS?
As soon as I get Kylix, I'll start to port it to Linux.

What is the shortcut for...?
Look into the main menu. Most of commands are there and you can see it's shortcut.

Can I get ConTEXT source files?
This is just a freeware project, not OpenSource.

Is ConTEXT really for free? What if I want to donate something to encourage ConTEXT development?
I'll be glad to accept any of your donations. You can send it to my postal address found at Author page, but contact me first just to let me know.

Can I use ConTEXT in my commercial application? Can you send me DLL with exported functions to integrate ConTEXT into my project?
ConTEXT editor is free in this form you can download it. You can use it completely free as freeware, but not as a part of commercial application. ConTEXT is provided as is. This freeware license doesn't cover special modifications I made. I could only sell you some other form (DLL for example), ready for integration in your commercial application which you'll sell. Contact me if you interested in it.

Is this all?
Yes, and it's better than nothing :)


(C) 2001. by Eden Kirin